The Story behind Carnage  At eight years old, Jerard Knolfer, was the winner of an 8 planet science fair. He continued his studies, and at 15 was widely recognized as a genuis. Then it happened. He fell in love with a very pretty girl, and because she wasn't interested, (Jerard always was a bit ugly) he was very upset. She did invite him to her wedding day however, and that proved to be the biggest mistake she would ever make. He was bitter. In the middle of the wedding ritual, he stalked out of the room angrily. Ten minutes later the entire wedding building was reduced to a pile of ashes. He had invented a lot of things, but this was the first weapon. He liked the power. He had gone too far to turn back, so he put together a band of rogues, and became strong...Slowly at first, then quicker, which is the way with power or anything for that matter... His last words to his home planet, Endora, were as follows: "I don't need my family, and don't need friends." "I am Carnage." His ship then released some kind of warhead, of his own device, and then the entire planet exploded. No one knows why, or exactly how he did it.